柴田 和

柴田 和 展

Kazu Shibata







柴田 和

Kazu Shibata

柴田 和

Kazu Shibata


昭和 9 年(1,934 年)生まれ 昭和 26 年 群馬県立藤岡高校.  高校 3 年で群馬美術家連盟展に出品。上毛新聞社、社長賞を受ける。 昭和 29 年 帝国武蔵野美術学校(現在の武蔵野美術大学)へ入学。 ●武蔵野美術文化祭で高校3年のとき描いた[塗装工とネタ]という作品が優秀賞となる。 ●全日本学生油絵コンクールで地作賞を受賞する。 ◎(大阪万博)に関わるころ、美術評論家ヨシダヨシエ氏たちと、発表の場を美術館から街中に移す活動開始。 ◎美と用のコラボで多くの人たちの参加形のアートの活動を始める。 ◎光が当たれば必ず影がでる。影は実体より実態らしいというコンセプトにフランスの美術雑誌クレイが、日本の影法師作家と大特集を組む。 ◎現在の函絵作品は、限りある資源を大切に使ったリユース・アート(循環型)。 Born in 1934 (Showa 9) 1953 Graduated from Fujioka High School in Gunma Prefecture. In his third year of high school, Shibata exhibited his work at the Gunma Artists' Association Exhibition. Received the President's Award from the Jomo Shimbun. In 1954, he entered the Imperial Musashino Art School (now Musashino Art University), where he received an award for his work "Painter and Stories," which he painted in his senior year at the Musashino Art Festival. Received the Jisaku Prize at the All Japan Student Oil Painting Competition. ◎Around the time of the Osaka Expo, he began working with art critic Yoshida Yoshie and others to shift the venue of his presentations from art museums to the city center. ◎They began to collaborate with many people to create art with the participation of many people. ◎When light shines, shadows always appear. The French art magazine Clay published a major feature on the concept that shadows are more real than entities, together with Japanese shadow artists. ◎Currently, his box art works are reused art (recycling type) that uses limited resources with care.


空函を使って周りの空間を断ち、己の内に向かう一種のタブロウ画として長いことやってきました。それは世の中の変動を己の尺度でとらえた作品づくりと言ったらいいでしょうか。自分のパターンを決めて、その繰り返しを求めていくのと違い、その都度、己の作品をこわしていくという荒行みたいな方法論です。 が、今回はなんとなくデザインというカテゴリーを頭においてやってみました。今回の函絵作品は、限りある資源を大切に使ったリユース・アート(循環型)である。

柴田 和

For a long time, I have been using empty boxes to cut off the space around me and move inward as a kind of tableau painting. It would be better to say that I create works that capture the changes in the world on my own scale. It is a tough and hard methodology in which I destroy my own work each time, as opposed to setting my own pattern and seeking repetition of it. However, this time, I tried to do it with the category of design in mind.
Currently, his works are mainly based on a recycling method that uses limited resources with great care.

Kazu Shibata




TS4312店主 沢登 丈夫

Author Kaz Shibata is one of the few survivors of Yomiuri Independents. He continues to work aggressively as an artist. This is his first solo exhibition at TS4312. The artist does not stay with the present situation, but destroys it, always working on new developments that others do not do. In this exhibition, he will show objects made of discarded materials, using waste boxes. The artist finds beauty in discarded things through the artist's eyes.

TS4312 curator Takeo Sawanobori
