田淵 安一

田淵 安一 展







田淵 安一

田淵 安一


田淵 安一 略歴(1921-2009)

1921 年 福岡県小倉市(現・北九州市)生。1945 年 東京大 学文学部美術史学科に入学。在学中から猪熊弦一郎に師事。1951 年 渡仏。以後、パリを拠 点に制作・発表活動を続けた。1985 年 フランス政府より芸術文化勲章受章。2009 年 パリ にて没。 国内の主な展覧会に、1982 年「田淵安一展」(北九州市立美術館)、1990 年「田淵安一展 - 輝くイマージュ-」(O 美術館・東京)、1996 年「田淵安一展 – 宇宙庭園」(神奈川県立近代 美術館)、2006 年「田淵安一 -かたちの始まり、あふれる光-」(神奈川県立近代美術館・葉 山)。没後 2014 年に「田淵安一 知られざる世界」(神奈川県立近代美術館・鎌倉)

2023.2 Yasukazu Tabuchi Exhibition Biography

Yasukazu Tabuchi, Yasse Tabuchi (1921-2009)

Born in Kokura City (now Kitakyushu City), Fukuoka Prefecture in 1921. In 1945, he entered the Department of Art History at the University of Tokyo. Studied under Genichiro Inokuma while still a student, and went to France in 1951. In 1985, he received the Order of Arts and Letters from the French government. Major exhibitions in Japan "Yasukazu Tabuchi" (Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, 1982), "Yasukazu Tabuchi - Shining Image" (O Museum, Tokyo, 1990), "Yasukazu Tabuchi - Space Garden" (The Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa, 1996), and "Yasukazu Tabuchi - Beginning of Form, Overflowing Light -Yasukazu Tabuchi: The Beginning of Form, Overflowing Light" (The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama, Kanagawa) in 2006. After his death, "Yasukazu Tabuchi: The Unknown World" (The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Kanagawa) in 2014.



企画協力 kaneko art gallery


金子 太郎

What kind of influence from the career of Yasukazu Tabuchi (1921-2009) as a painter can we see on the subsequent abstract expression? When Tabuchi went to France right after World War II, he encountered much of obstacles as a foreigner, but he seemed to continue to explore his own path while interacting with his contemporaries, especially with Alechinsky and the other artists from CoBrA. What is the essence of paintings that he found as a painter in the foreign country, while being tossed about in the swing of the world? We hope you will enjoy and get interested in his paintings, featuring from 1970’s.

Taro Kaneko




フランスを拠点として活動した田淵安一は日本では比較的目にすることが少ない。彼の作品は、コブラ、アレシンスキー、アペルを想起させる。実際田淵はこのグループとの接触があり、西欧の抽象表現主義を吸収し、西欧文化と日本文化の融合を描き続けた作家で、その奔放な色彩、エネルギーは目を見張る。本個展にはkaneko art galleryに多大なご協力を頂いた。

TS4312店主 沢登 丈夫

Based in France, Yasukazu Tabuchi is relatively invisible in Japan. His work is reminiscent of CoBrA , Alechinsky, and Apple. In fact, Tabuchi had contact with this group. He is an artist who absorbed Western abstract expressionism and continued to draw a fusion of Western and Japanese culture. His unrestrained colors and energy are remarkable. kaneko artgallery has provided a great deal of support for this solo exhibition.

TS4312 curator Takeo Sawanobori
